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    Time Remainingdue 3 months ago

    Database based Web App

    Posted 3 months ago
    This Bounty has been completed!
    @wonkavision2020's review of @A2Pro
    Average Rating
    Communication 5/5, Quality 5/5, Timeliness 5/5

    Bounty Description

    Replit Bounty: Develop a Web App for Database Application with LinkedIn Profile Autofill

    Title: Build a Database Application Web App with LinkedIn Profile Autofill and Advanced Search Features

    I am looking for a developer to create a web application similar to but with additional modifications. The application should include sign-in and account management functionality, user profile creation, and the key feature: the ability to submit a LinkedIn profile URL, scrape the data, and use it to autofill the user’s profile on the site. Additionally, the app should allow users to search for and filter contacts and companies using various filters, similar to, and save leads.


    1. User Authentication and Account Management:
    • User registration and login functionality.
    • Password reset functionality.
    • Account management (update profile, change password, delete account).
    2. User Profile:
    • Users should be able to fill out their profile with fields such as name, email, phone number, job title, company, etc.
    • Profile picture upload functionality.
    3. LinkedIn Profile Autofill:
    • Users can submit their LinkedIn profile URL.
    • A bot should scrape the necessary data from the LinkedIn profile.
    • Use the scraped data to autofill the user’s profile on the web app.
    4. Search and Filter:
    • Users can search for contacts and companies.
    • Filtering options should include criteria similar to, such as job title, company size, industry, location, etc.
    • Display search results with the option to view detailed profiles.
    5. Lead Management:
    • Users should be able to save contacts and companies as leads.
    • Provide functionality to manage and organize saved leads.

    Skills Needed:

    • Proficiency in web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
    • Backend development (Node.js, Python, or similar)
    • Experience with web scraping (BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, Puppeteer, or similar)
    • Database management (SQL or NoSQL databases)
    • Authentication (OAuth, JWT, etc.)
    • Familiarity with search and filter functionality in web applications


    • Fully functional web application with the above features.
    • Clean and well-documented code.
    • Inline comments explaining the code.
    • A README file with instructions on setting up and using the application.
    • Documentation on the web scraping implementation and any APIs used.

    3 weeks from acceptance

    Evaluation Criteria:

    • Functionality: The application must meet all specified requirements.
    • Code Quality: Clean, readable, and well-documented code.
    • Adherence: The submission must follow the project requirements closely.
    • Security: Proper handling of user data and secure authentication.

    Contact Information:
    For any questions, please contact [your email or Replit username].

    Additional Information:

    • Bonus for implementing unit tests for the scraping functionality and user authentication.
    • Consideration for UI/UX design and responsiveness of the application.
    Copyright © 2024 Replit, Inc. All rights reserved.
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    Programming languages

    • Python
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • Node.js
    • Nix
    • HTML, CSS, JS
    • C++
    • Golang