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    Earn 10,800 ($108.00)

    Time Remainingdue 2 days from now

    Twilio, call center, Open AI API

    Posted 2 weeks ago

    Bounty Description

    The Care Checker System is a web-based application designed for call centers to proactively manage customer interactions, built on top of an existing Replit project.

    The dashboard and login functionality is already built. Need to help Debug Web RTC integration with Twilio and add open AI call script summarization

    Key features include:

    WebRTC interface for call center operators to make and receive calls directly from the browser.
    Customer database with CRUD operations to manage customer information.
    Call scheduling system to plan future calls with customers.
    AI-powered call analysis that generates summaries of each call.
    Customer profile history displaying past call summaries for context in future interactions.
    Integration with Twilio for handling voice calls.

    Acceptance Criteria for the Bounty:

    WebRTC Functionality:

    Agents can make outbound calls to customers using WebRTC.
    Agents can receive inbound calls from customers.
    Call controls (answer, hang up, mute) are fully functional.
    Audio quality is clear and consistent during calls.

    Twilio Integration:

    Successful connection between the WebRTC interface and Twilio's voice API.
    Proper handling of Twilio events (call connected, disconnected, etc.).
    Correct usage of Twilio's TwiML for call routing and management.

    Call Recording and Transcription:

    Calls are recorded and stored securely.
    Call recordings are transcribed accurately.

    AI Call Summary:

    Integration with OpenAI or a similar service to analyze call transcripts.
    Generation of concise, relevant summaries for each call.
    Summaries are stored and associated with the correct customer profile.

    User Interface:

    Dashboard displays customer list with key information.
    Customer profiles show call history and AI-generated summaries.
    Intuitive interface for scheduling future calls.
    Real-time updates of call status and WebRTC connection state.

    Database Operations:

    Proper storage and retrieval of customer information, call logs, and AI summaries.
    Efficient querying for displaying relevant information on the dashboard and customer profiles.

    Error Handling and Logging:

    Robust error handling for WebRTC, Twilio, and AI integration failures.
    Clear error messages displayed to users when issues occur.
    Comprehensive logging for troubleshooting and debugging.


    Secure handling of Twilio and OpenAI API keys.
    Proper user authentication and authorization.
    Protection against common web vulnerabilities (XSS, CSRF, etc.).


    Unit tests for critical components (WebRTC setup, Twilio integration, AI summary generation).
    Integration tests for the complete call flow.
    User acceptance testing script provided for manual verification.


    Clear setup instructions for the Replit environment.
    API documentation for any backend services.
    User guide for call center operators.

    Replit Integration:

    All development should be done within the existing Replit project.
    Ensure compatibility with Replit's environment and limitations.
    Provide clear instructions for running and testing the application within Replit.

    Copyright © 2024 Replit, Inc. All rights reserved.
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    Programming languages

    • Python
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • Node.js
    • Nix
    • HTML, CSS, JS
    • C++
    • Golang