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    Online Web 3 Quartet Game NFT 2.0 (Nested & Multi-Asset, based on brand new ERC-5773 & ERC-6059)

    Posted 2 years ago
    This Bounty has been completed!
    @rotorstar's review of @Amit0617
    Average Rating
    Communication 5/5, Quality 5/5, Timeliness 5/5
    It was a pleasure to work with Amit! He understands the tasks and tries to find for you the best solution.

    Bounty Description

    Online Web 3 Quartet Game NFT 2.0 (Nested & Multi-Asset, based on brand new ERC-5773 & ERC-6059)

    Platform: Mobile & Desktop
    Recommended Technologies: React Native (or Unity) for the game interface, leveraging the new ERC-5773 & ERC-6059 for the Web3 NFT part.

    The Online Car Quartet is a classic supertrump game with special rules, incorporating the latest NFT standards for an interactive and engaging gaming experience. Players can compete against each other or an AI opponent, using their vehicle-based NFTs to win the game.

    Game Rules:

    At the beginning, the player decides whether to play a multiplayer game (find another online player) or compete against the AI.
    The player chooses a vehicle category (e.g., classic cars, supercars, electric vehicles, 90s cars).
    Players can select up to 2 matching wildcards (Jokers) from their NFT collection for the game. The Jokers must fit the chosen vehicle category.
    The system compiles 32 playing cards from the chosen vehicle category, distributing them evenly among the players. Any remaining cards go to the center of the playing field, and the winner of the first round receives these cards.
    Players add their selected Jokers to their playing cards, and the system ensures equal card distribution at the beginning.
    The player to the left of the dealer starts by selecting one of the following comparison categories based on #GameRules.AutoValues:
    a. Year of manufacture (oldest vehicle wins)
    b. Engine/Cylinder count (highest count wins, electric drive beats cylinder count, highest number of electric drives wins)
    c. Displacement (largest displacement wins, electric drive beats displacement, highest number of electric drives wins)
    d. Power/HP (highest power wins)
    e. Top speed (highest speed wins)
    f. Acceleration from 0-100 km/h (lowest time wins)
    g. Weight in kg (lowest weight wins)
    h. List price (lowest price wins)
    In case of a tie, all players' cards go into the "center." The winner of the next round takes all the cards from the "center."
    The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
    Ideal User Experience (UX) Workflow:

    Landing Page
    Vehicle Category Selection
    Joker Selection (optional, based on availability)
    Game Lobby (optional if multiplayer mode is available)
    Game Page
    Results Page (Badges multi asset NFT)
    Detailed descriptions of the individual steps of the workflow we can discuss separately with pleasure

    JSON files (car examples) and AI calculation distributions for attribute selection will be provided for integration into the game.
    What are NFT 2.0? Here is a short video: