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    Earn 13,500 ($135.00)

    Time Remainingdue 4 days from now

    validation detail from respon server with OPEN BULLET 2

    Posted 3 months ago

    Bounty Description

    I need someone who can create an Open Bullet 2 configuration that validates card number, CVV and postal code details for an endpoint , .

    with valid details will get the following response from the server endpoint:
    "successResponse": {
    "cardToken": null,
    "cardActivated": true,
    "cardRegistered": true,
    "affiliate": {
    "id": "104014322",
    "logo": "/recipient/rccl/images/paymentvault_logo.svg",
    "login": "/recipient/rccl/images/login_page.png",
    "activation": "/recipient/rccl/images/activation_banner.svg",
    "registration": "/recipient/rccl/images/registration_banner.svg",
    "activatePromo": "/recipient/op/images/activate_promo.png",
    "virtualCard": null,
    "name": "rccl",
    "defaultname": "op",
    "code": {
    "btnColor": "#0c214d",
    "bgColor": "#0c214d",
    "crdFntColor": "#000000",
    "balanceBgColor": "#0c214d",
    "menuBgColor": "#FFFFFF"
    "prelogin_terms": "/recipient/op/program/prelogin_terms_en_US.html",
    "prelogin_privacy": "/recipient/op/program/privacy_cookies_en_US.html",
    "redeemablePayment": "N"
    "status": "success"

    and invalid details will get a response like this
    "errorResponse": {
    "errorCode": 1,
    "errorMessage": "err_generic_popup_error_message"
    "status": "failure"