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    Time Remainingdue 2 years ago

    Fake Twitter Post Image Meme Creator

    Posted 2 years ago

    Bounty Description

    Problem Description

    People like to laugh and poke fun of situations. What better way than memes? Well, twitter fake "posts" could be hilarious of used properly in meme fashion. What if there was an app for that? Well... this is the app!

    Acceptance Criteria

    1. Create a mini-web-app that allows users to create a Fake Twitter Post – where they can customize the handle, message, # of retweets, # of likes)
    2. The app allows the ability to add 1 reply to the initial tweet with similar customization (e.g., message, handle, avatar, # of likes)
    3. The mini-app ideally initially pulls in information related to the user inputted via the Twitter API including the profile picture, user ID (optional).
    4. The look/feel and design of the fake post should mimic what is currently live on twitter, with some subtle differences in colour so that it is apparent it isn't real
    5. A live preview of the changes are shown to the user, with a watermark/url on the meme fake post (as users will right-click be able to download for free, unless the click the "premium without watermark" version one.
    6. A user can download the image per the monetization structure below (download button)
    7. Mash monetization should be added to the mini-app in this capacity
      -- Users get unlimited creations with an url/watermark on the meme
      -- Users can get 2 free premium (no watermark/url)fake tweets per month (implemented from mash's pay-as-you-enjoy pricing)
      -- Afterwards, users pay per tweet at $0.05 per from Mash's pay-as-you-enjoy monetization tool suite.

    Use of App

    • We would use it as a demo app example
    • You can keep on building out the app afterwards with further remixes (along with others shared with the Replit community). Ideally you would experiment with and continue using Mash monetization tools to earn for this creation yourself as well.

    Mash Templates

    Template Examples & Tutorials for Mash:

    Copyright © 2024 Replit, Inc. All rights reserved.
    • twitter
    • tiktok
    • instagram
    • facebook


    Programming languages

    • Python
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • Node.js
    • Nix
    • HTML, CSS, JS
    • C++
    • Golang