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    Personal Language Learning App in React Native

    Posted 2 weeks ago
    This Bounty has been completed!

    Bounty Description

    Problem Description

    I want to have a personal flashcard/language app for learning German.

    Acceptance Criteria

    • It should be functional.
    • It should have an integration with the eleven labs API
    • It should also have the ability to play mp3 files.
    • It should work like a flashcard app
    • It should have storage to hold the translations, audio files, etc. and my progress with the cards (reviewed cards, next review date).
    • The storage can be local, nothing fancy is needed.
    • the code should be relatively clean so that I can update it as someone who knows React (but not React Native)
    • uses recent versions of dependencies, so it is easy to update it.

    Technical Details

    • no need for authentication or anything. I will be the only user.
    • It should be a React native app that I can run on my phone (via Expo or something) it doesn’t need to be uploaded to the App store.
    • It needs to work like a flashcard app. A single card should show an english word on one side (like automobile) and then it should show the german translation of the word (das auto) on the other side.
      • I will be populating the app with the words and their corresponding translations so you just need to add a few placeholder words for me. I can just add the rest. It should be easy to add more data to the app.
      • When the answer for the card is revealed it should also play an audio for the german translation when a play button is clicked. This should be done via the elevenlabs api.
        • The play button should have an elevenlabs api integration but it should also support playing a recorded mp3 file if such a file is available.
    • Each card should work like an anki card where it supports spaced interval repetition. So I should be able to click “Again”, “Hard”, “Good” “Easy” on reviewing a card which will determine when will the card be shown again (in 10 mins, few days, several days, etc.).
    • I know React but I am not familiar with React-Native. The code should be clean enough for me to keep working on it.
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    Programming languages

    • Python
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • Node.js
    • Nix
    • HTML, CSS, JS
    • C++
    • Golang