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    Earn 1,000 ($10.00)

    Time Remainingdue 1 year ago

    microbounty multiplayer game

    Posted 1 year ago

    Bounty Description

    prob w bounties

    too few players, too slow loops

    solv w microbounty

    • offer microbounties on tiny probs
    • expiry fast (in minutes/hours not days/weeks)
    • multiplayers race to solve
    • best solution wins 60%
    • fastest solution wins 40%
    • multiplayers learn more from fast best solutions


    • always on
    • solve little probs faster
    • assemble big solutions faster
    • make players learn more faster
    • build faster


    • post your offer
    • find live offers
    • celebrate winners
    • order results
    • on/off extension for any bounty page
    • replit
    • nostrbounty
    • etc


    • jack dorsey now making nostr (twitter-killer)
    • he's offering $275,000 bounty for killer GIT on nostr
    • microbounty can start doing nostr GIT now
    • replit can connect w nostr better
    • nostr auth and data model is simple
    • together stronger replit nostr better faster

    replit hackathon 04/25 today

    • 5PM-10PM
    • PST
    • we're in
    • let's do it :)


    a site where people can post small bounties that other developers race to complete for fastest time and best solution (hackathon style).

    Copyright © 2024 Replit, Inc. All rights reserved.
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    Programming languages

    • Python
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • Node.js
    • Nix
    • HTML, CSS, JS
    • C++
    • Golang