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    Time Remainingdue 3 months ago

    Simple Perplexity AI Search Web App

    Posted 3 months ago
    This Bounty has been completed!

    Bounty Description

    Project Overview

    Create a basic web application that allows users to input a name, search using the Perplexity AI API with a custom prompt, and display the results.

    Key Features

    1. User Interface

    • Single page web app with a clean, simple design
    • One text box for user input (name)
    • A search button to initiate the API call
    • Display area below the search button to show AI responses

    2. Perplexity AI Integration

    • Integrate with Perplexity AI API to process user input
    • Use a custom prompt to format the API request
    • Handle API requests and responses securely

    Technical Requirements

    1. Frontend

    • Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for a basic interactive interface
    • Implement responsive design for mobile and desktop use

    2. Backend

    • Use a suitable backend framework (e.g., Node.js with Express, Python with Flask)
    • Implement an API endpoint to handle the Perplexity AI request

    3. API Integration

    • Securely store and use the Perplexity AI API key
    • Format the user's input into the custom prompt
    • Parse and display the API response

    4. Deployment

    • The app should be deployable on Replit
    • Include clear instructions for setting up and running the project

    Submission Guidelines

    1. Fork the provided Replit template (if applicable)
    2. Complete the project implementation
    3. Include a with:
      • Project overview
      • Setup instructions
      • Any additional libraries or tools used
    4. Ensure the code is well-commented and follows best practices
    5. Submit your completed Replit project URL

    Evaluation Criteria

    • Functionality: All key features are implemented and working correctly
    • Code Quality: Clean, well-organized, and properly documented code
    • User Experience: Intuitive interface and smooth user interactions
    • Security: Proper handling of API keys and user inputs

    Good luck to all participants! We look forward to seeing your implementations of this simple Perplexity AI search web app.

    Copyright © 2024 Replit, Inc. All rights reserved.
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    Programming languages

    • Python
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • Node.js
    • Nix
    • HTML, CSS, JS
    • C++
    • Golang