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    Execute python scripts with chatGPT

    Posted 1 month ago

    Bounty Description


    The goal is to backtest automated and systematic bitcoin trading strategies. This task doesn't require any understanding of bitcoin or trading. You just need to know how to use chatGPT and Python. I'll explain to you how to do everything else.


    1. I'll give you an input CSV with around 3600 rows.
    2. I'll give you the exact chat gpt prompt to write to spit out a python script.
    3. You need to run that script ~100 times with slight variation each time. I'll obviously provide you with the instructions for the variations in the prompts. You can do step 2 and 3 manually or programmatically, up to you.
    4. You'll need to combine all the 100 outputs into a single file.

    Acceptance Criteria

    • An output CSV with the following headers:
      Strategy Name, Explainer, Cumulative Return, Annualized Return, Max 30D Drawdown, Max 1W Drawdown, Max 1D Drawdown, Sharpe Ratio, Calmar Ratio
    • There should be ~100 rows: one for each backtested strategy.
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    Programming languages

    • Python
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • Node.js
    • Nix
    • HTML, CSS, JS
    • C++
    • Golang