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    Earn 4,500 ($45.00)

    Time Remainingdue 2 years ago

    Akash Console Improvements #3

    Posted 2 years ago
    This Bounty has been completed!
    @anilmurty's review of @Amit0617
    Average Rating
    Communication 5/5, Quality 5/5, Timeliness 5/5

    Bounty Description

    Akash Console is a Web/ UI based deployment tool for making it easy to deploy workloads on to Akash Network (the world's first fully decentralized Cloud Computing Platform: Users use Console to quickly deploy workloads ranging from personal blogsites, to corporate websites to blockchain nodes to DeFi and Traditional Applications. Think of Akash Console as a "AWS Console" equivalent for Akash Network.

    Problem Description
    While we have a ton of bug fixes, enhancements and features planned for Console, we are starting with a relatively simple set of bugs/ enhancements for this first replit bounty. If the team(s) that work on this do a great job, we will plan to create larger bounties for the next set of work.

    To begin with, we would like to invite anyone interested in helping to address the following 3 issues:

    The amount indicated (@4500*3=@13,500) is for fixing ALL three issues, but we're also open to someone fixing one or two (will pay at the rate of @4,500/ $45 per issue).

    Acceptance Criteria
    Fix the issues identified above, test locally and post screencap and/ or mp4 to the issue. We will review code, push to our staging server and confirm works.

    Technical Details
    Code base is JS/ Typescript, React, CSS (Tailwind, Materialize, custom).
    Details for each issue are in the specific github issue and you are welcome to comment there and ask additional questions.

    Link to Project
    Code is Open Source and README here has instructions to run locally