Earn 13,500 ($135.00)
Restaurant tracker web app
Bounty Description
Problem Description:
I want an easy way to track all the restaurants, cafes, and bars I've been to. I want something that I can build features on top of in the future myself as well.
- Web application built with React
- Uses Google Maps API (or something similar)
- Repl auth login for me to add new items, not logged in view only experience
Acceptance Criteria:
Ability to add new item with: type (restaurant, cafe, etc.), name, neighbourhood, date visited, rating, notes
Mobile first design, but still usable on desktop (responsive)
I made a simple figma mockup of the screens which includes a few more requirements, it doesn't have to look like this exactly but the functionality should be similar: https://www.figma.com/file/wmdnAxjLTtEaQZ3lY9mjoY/nyc-food?node-id=0%3A1
I have a google sheet with data I would like pre-populated: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHtRqMsZbDlrcRWW8KUwnQt2J2OQmMTVyMt636P7MXE/edit#gid=0
You can use the replit database OR if there's a way to hook it up directly to the google sheet that would be good too!