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Replit AI
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Public Apps
100 → web scraping x ecommerce store
12 months ago
A python program that utilizes web scraping to monitor product prices on It stores the specific product's URLs and acceptable price levels in a database, and then periodically checks the current prices against the specified sale price. If the product's price drops below the specified level, the program sends an email notification to the user. Additionally, it allows the user to add new products to the monitoring list. The program runs in an infinite loop and checks for updates every 30 minutes.
99/100 → sending automated event alerts to yourself
12 months ago
This Python code includes a scraping and email notification script. It starts by importing necessary libraries and setting up email credentials. Next, it retrieves the upcoming workshops from 'frontend masters' website, filters for specific keywords, and creates a list of hyperlinks to the relevant workshops. Afterwards, it sends an email with the list of hyperlinks to the specified email address. The script runs on a schedule, checking for new events and sending email notifications if there are any (right now every 4 minutes).
98/100 → Automated Hype Emails
12 months ago
The script in question imports a bunch of modules to schedule tasks and send emails every 30 mins. It uses google's SMTP server for sending emails which comprise of one quote per email that is randomly chosen from a .txt file saved in the directory.
97/100 → the credible hulk just got… more credible
12 months ago
this one takes the Wikipedia URL supplied by user's input. it then uses os, requests, nlpcloud and beautifulsoup libraries to parse the content from the main body of the wiki article. it summarizes the article in three paragraphs and also returns the first five references beneath the summary. next it prompts the user to check if they want more references. if they agree, it supplies with some more, otherwise the program stops there.
96/100 → scraping 101
12 months ago
A simple, no-nonsense scraping and filtering script that looks up specific words in the titles of articles on a website and then displays them back with corresponding URLs. I scraped hacker news's front page for this project. scraping is done via requests library and parsing of HTML content is accomplished via BeautifulSoup library.
95/100 → me to multiple APIs: yall wanna play after work?
12 months ago
we use News API to pull top articles from US news, truncate the article title to fit within a certain char. limit and then use the key words in truncated titles to look for music tracks on Spotify. it's like talking to a 4 yr old and then picking up a few words from their gibberish and using it to sing songs back to them to keep them entertained lol.
94/100 → combining two APIs
12 months ago
this one uses news API to fetch the top headlines from a specific country and then uses BART model by NLP Cloud to summarize contents of the top articles. It takes 10 seconds between each summary to appear in the console (reason being not to overwhelm NLP's API with too many requests)
93/100 → Spotify API, we meet again
12 months ago
A Flask web app that uses Spotify's API to fetch the preview of ten random songs from a given year and then dynamically generates an HTML page to generate the results. Users can also go back and pick a different year w/o refreshing the page. All previews work.
92/100 → The 75,577th weather app on the internet
12 months ago
but it's the cutest of all. why? cuz I made it
91/100 → Dad Jokes
12 months ago
Using the power of requests library to fetch dad jokes from 'icanhazdadjoke' API, this program prompts the user to get/save/delete/load up old jokes or quit the program. Replit's DB is saving any jokes saved by the user
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