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    published a Repl
    11 months ago
    Random Position, Random Color, Dot Plotter
    Random Position, Random Color, Dot PlotterPlots a random dot at a random spot.
    published a Repl
    2 years ago
    Computer v1.3 (Working Edition)
    Computer v1.3 (Working Edition)Instructions: (Warning, very case sensitive) First, to actually get any of the programs running, you need to fork the Repl to get access to the console that actually lets you run programs. Once you have done this, enter one of the preset programs into the console, or create your own. You should be able to figure out the rest! And if you need a list of colors for the Normal Shapes software go to and look around. And remember, every word starts with a capitol letter so be careful. Changlog: -Converted to Python with turtle -Added 3 new programs to run Upcoming changes in v1.4: -Fixing the smiley face sometimes breaking when finished drawing
    published a Repl
    2 years ago
    Computer v1.2
    Computer v1.2A simple computer with 1 function. Feedback would be appreciated for function 2. (Notice: v1.2 is the only working version. The other two started getting random errors and broke.) To enter functions simply type 1 or 2 on the first input. Change log: Fixed the computer Added a second function, though it currently does nothing. Changed the calculator from using Int to using float, allowing for the use of decimals. Added the ability to choose the calculator function (Current options are +, -, *, and /) Removed the password feature due to it being annoying. Anyways, feedback is appreciated.
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