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    Muffins the Cat

    published a Repl
    1 year ago
    Password Generator/Tester (1)
    Password Generator/Tester (1)This is a program which can generate a password from any character on a standard keyboard. It can also crack a password, to test how safe it is. The password can be up to 100 characters long and is completely randomised. If course this is not the best password generator otherwise it would use every single ASCII character in existence. The cracker also isn't the best and just goes through ever combination of every character instead of using an algorithm to first check the most common words/passwords. If for whatever reason you decide to use a password generated by this program, good luck remembering it!
    published a Repl
    2 years ago
    Password Generator/Tester
    Password Generator/TesterThis is a program which can generate a password from any character on a standard keyboard. It can also crack a password, to test how safe it is. The password can be up to 100 characters long and is completely randomised. If course this is not the best password generator otherwise it would use every single ASCII character in existence. The cracker also isn't the best and just goes through ever combination of every character instead of using an algorithm to first check the most common words/passwords. If for whatever reason you decide to use a password generated by this program, good luck remembering it!
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