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    Luis Torres

    Tech enthusiast & guitarist, with a passion for problem solving, tinkering with software, computers and electronics. Always a student.
    Dallas, Texas
    published a Repl
    1 year ago
    Linux Cheat Sheet
    Linux Cheat Sheetlittle Linux cheat sheet, I'll be updating and revising. leave any feedback and recommendations in the comments.
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    1 year ago
    Display Browser info w/ Flask
    Display Browser info w/ FlaskBrowser Insight is a lightweight web application that provides users with essential browser information at a glance. By displaying your IP address, User Agent, and basic Browser Type, Browser Insight enables you to quickly verify your browser details and connectivity status, while also offering a convenient way to check if your VPN or proxy is functioning as expected.
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    1 year ago
    User Event Logger
    User Event LoggerScript simulates instances of users logging in and out of a system and logs the info in chronological order
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    1 year ago
    Simulated Load Balancer Testing in Python
    Simulated Load Balancer Testing in PythonThis Python project simulates a server connection system and tests the functionality of a load balancer. The load balancing system uses a random server selection algorithm to distribute incoming connections evenly. The program includes functions to close connections, calculate server load, and ensure availability. The simulation generates a random number of connections, and the program prints out the connection information, server load, and the total number of servers. This project provides a basic understanding of load balancing and how it can be implemented in Python.
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    1 year ago
    Simple Pokemon Table
    Simple Pokemon TablePractice the python OOP class/object concepts invoking table objects, utilizing attributes and methods to create a table. This is a webpage displaying a table of Pokemon types, strengths and weaknesses. It is rendered through Python Flask framework, the prettytable method generates a table in html format, and it's returned in the route using the render_template_string function, all the HTML and CSS is added directly on the python code in this method.
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    1 year ago
    Inventory/Budget Management Web App - Python + Flask
    Inventory/Budget Management Web App - Python + Flask*Click the full screen button on left corner to test outside Webview for full functionality. This is a Python Flask web application for managing an inventory of products. The application uses the Flask framework to handle HTTP requests and responses, and includes three routes: "/" (the root route), which renders the index.html template. "/add", which allows users to add products to the inventory. This route handles both GET and POST requests, and saves the updated inventory to a pickle file on the server. "/view", which displays the current inventory and the total value of all products. This route uses a custom Jinja2 filter to round numbers, and sorts the inventory by product name. The application loads the inventory data from a pickle file on startup, and writes changes back to the file whenever a new product is added. The application also includes a custom Jinja2 filter for rounding numbers, which is used to format prices and total values in the view template.
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    1 year ago
    Inventory Accounting - Python
    Inventory Accounting - PythonThis is the Python version of the C++ program I made that manages an inventory of products. It uses the pickle module to store and retrieve the inventory from a file, and the OS and art modules for console screen clearing and ASCII art intro display. The program has functions for adding, updating, and removing products from the inventory, and for displaying the inventory in a formatted list. It has a main menu loop that executes user-selected functions until the user chooses to quit. Overall, the program is a beginner-level example of file I/O, dictionaries, and text formatting in Python. I am currently working on a UI version and eventually will integrate it into a webserver and further expand by implementing SQL.
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    1 year ago
    Inventory Accounting -  C++
    Inventory Accounting - C++Old project from college back in 2017 , it is written in C++. It is structured as an option menu with each prompting different input functions for the user. It emulates an inventory accounting program that allows user to add items, their name, qty and cost per unit and queries the list, displaying the product name, cost per unit, quantity, total cost and the grand total of all items combined. The items can be queried by cost, or name, ascending or descending, and implements a wildcard search for the names. I created a separate module containing a class called inventory which gets invoked in the main file to create a new inventory object and passes the input through as parameters to inherit values for cost, qty, and product attributes. The new inventory object is then stored as a vector element which is used as a list purposed for searching and querying items through different iterations and sorting methods.
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    1 year ago
    Patient Entry With Python
    Patient Entry With PythonThis python script simulates a healthcare patient data entry program, allows users to enter new patient information, including name, address, DOB, phone number, and diagnosis. Also has the functionality to search patients and query a full list with pagination in the case the list becomes too long. Each time a new patient is added by the user, the keys and values are appended to a list of dictionaries, and each index is then saved into a new line on a text file. When the program is initialized, each line from the txt file is then appended to a list of Python dictionaries, this serves as a method to store data for this serverless program, exclusively to mitigate volatile memory and showcase it's functionality. Give it a try and add some fictional characters, or just search and query the list.
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    1 year ago
    Higher Lower Game
    Higher Lower GameHigher Lower game, using a dictionary of us states as keys and values are temperatures. Asks the user to guess whether the temp is higher or lower than the given state. update: added a high score tracker, it takes the score and saves it to a .txt file if the score is higher than the score saved in the file. The high score is loaded into a variable when the script is initialized. Give it a try! see if you can beat the highest score.
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    1 year ago
    Sample site
    Sample siteA little practice with HTML and CSS - simple webpage construction and design, utilizing forms and text input, with input restrictions and required fields to prevent form submission if criteria is not met. Click up top to view in Fullscreen. updates: Added slight improvements in responsiveness and scaling for mobile. -Added a second html script that displays a registration confirmation and displays first name, last name, selected race and email after submitting form. To do this I included JavaScript code inside the form submit event listener to store the inputs in localStorage To do: -Further improve design -implement JavaScript -Create a containerized Linux webserver to host page outside Replit. -Add server-side functionality to process user input and store data.
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    1 year ago
    Guess The Number
    Guess The NumberGuess the number game, the focus on this one is to organize the code and structure it by dividing it into smaller functional parts using functions, and utilizing global variables, local variables and processes that are only affected within a certain scope of a function. This allows organized recursion, maintainability, and helps minimize bugs and redundancies.
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    1 year ago
    BlackJack 21 (simplified)
    BlackJack 21 (simplified)Simple blackjack game, no betting system implemented yet. Utilized a dictionary to emulate a card deck, every time a card is delt its deleted from the dictionary. definitely a great way to test logic and get creative with functions, dictionaries, lists and conditional statements. Goal: When I come back to this project, I would like to implement a betting system.
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    1 year ago
    Simple Calculator
    Simple CalculatorVery basic calculator python script from day 10 in 100 days of python. Here we utilize and practice incorporating libraries, functions, and loops, with options to either continuously loop to proceed with an existing calculation, reset or quit.
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    1 year ago
    The Secret Auction
    The Secret AuctionProject from 100 days of python, here we incorporate the use of nested libraries and lists, the users can enter the name and a bid which is then stored as keys in a list of libraries for each bidder. The function of this program is basically a blind auction where each bidder secretly enters a bid and their name and the program calculates and chooses a winner based on the highest bid.
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    Programming languages

    • Python
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • Node.js
    • Nix
    • HTML, CSS, JS
    • C++
    • Golang